Crispy Chicken Sandwich Recipe, Ideal Choice For A Quick, Convenient Meal

Overview of nutritional value

Crispy chicken sandwiches are not only a delicious dish but also provide many necessary nutritional values ​​for the body. Chicken is a high-quality source of protein, providing energy and supporting muscle development. Bread provides carbohydrates, providing necessary energy for daily activities. When combined with other vegetables and spices, crispy chicken sandwiches become a balanced meal, providing all necessary nutrient groups.


  • Chicken: 200g chicken fillet
  • Fried dough: 100g
  • Bread: 2 long loaves of bread
  • Lettuce: 50g
  • Tomato: 1 fruit
  • Onion: 1/2 bulb
  • Mayonnaise: 2 tablespoons
  • Mustard: 1 teaspoon
  • Spices: Salt, pepper, garlic powder, chili powder, cooking oil

Prepare materials:

Wash the chicken, drain it, then cut it into bite-sized pieces.
Marinate chicken with salt, pepper, garlic powder and chili powder for 15 minutes.
Wash lettuce, tomatoes and onions, cut into thin slices.
Fried chicken:

Roll chicken in breadcrumbs.
Heat cooking oil in a pan, fry the chicken until golden and crispy, then remove and drain the oil.
Prepare bread:

Cut the bread in half, spread mayonnaise and mustard on the surface of the bread.
Bread clip:

Arrange lettuce, tomatoes and onions on half of the bread.
Place the crispy fried chicken on top, then sandwich it with the remaining half of the bread.
Salient features
Quick: Crispy chicken sandwiches can be prepared in a short time, making them perfect for quick meals or on-the-go.
Convenience: Easy to find and prepare ingredients, suitable for all situations.
Nutritious: Provides adequate protein, carbohydrates and vitamins from vegetables.
Creative service ideas

Breakfast combo: Combine a crispy chicken sandwich with a glass of fruit juice or coffee for the perfect breakfast.
Diverse menu: Use different sauces such as BBQ sauce, honey sauce, or yogurt sauce to create new flavors.
Mini Chicken Sandwiches: Make smaller versions of crispy chicken sandwiches, perfect for buffets or snacks.
The ingredients can be used to make other dishes
Chicken: Can be used to make crispy fried chicken, chicken salad or stir-fried chicken.
Bread: Can be used to make garlic toast, sandwiches or rolls.
Lettuce, tomatoes, onions: Can be used to make salads, mixed with sauce or served with other dishes.
Frequently asked questions

1. How to keep crispy chicken sandwiches crispy for a long time?
To keep crispy chicken sandwiches crispy for a long time, you should fry the chicken at high temperature so that the outer shell quickly becomes crispy, then reduce the temperature so that the chicken cooks evenly. After frying, you can leave the chicken on absorbent paper to remove excess oil.
2. Can mayonnaise be replaced with any other sauce?
Yes, you can replace mayonnaise with other sauces such as BBQ sauce, honey sauce, yogurt sauce or garlic sauce to create a new flavor for crispy chicken sandwiches.
3. Can the ingredients be prepared in advance?
Yes, you can prepare the ingredients in advance like frying the chicken and cutting the vegetables, then store them in the refrigerator. When needed, simply clip the ingredients together for a quick and convenient meal.

Hopefully with this recipe, you will have a great choice for a quick and convenient meal. Good luck